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Horizontal For Best Viewing Greater Seattle Area Mobile Locksmith Services, 7 days a Week 7:00 AM - 11:00 PM Shop Hours Weekdays Mon. - Fri. 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Protect Yourself from Locksmith Scams: There are lots of honest Locksmiths out there and thank Goodness for that. However, there are lots of dishonest Locksmiths as well. When you call an honest Locksmith company, they will give you an exact price quote for the service you are requesting. Without hesitation, they will tell you exactly where they are located and provide you with the legal name of their company. When you call a dishonest Locksmith, they won't give you an exact price quote. They will be deceptive about where they are located and will most often hang up when asked the legal name of their company. Any company that won’t tell you who they are, where they are and exactly how much the're going to charge you is probably going to rip you off. The internet and yellow pages are flooded with thousands of $15 Locksmith listings that use local phone numbers along with fake names and addresses. According to the Federal Trade Commission, these companies are all part of a nationwide locksmith swindle. You may think you’re calling a local company, but you’re actually being connected to a call center in New York, Florida or some other distant place. You’re quoted a price that seems reasonable, $15 to come out and $25 and up for the labor, but when the Locksmith shows up, he bullies you into paying more money, a lot more. Most often hundreds of dollars more! The News Media has produced hundreds of investigative stories about these shady companies who are now operating in every major city. Please take a moment to view some of the videos we have attached to this page. |
Ballard Lock & Key 2232 NW Market St.98117 (206) 783-6360